Tuesday 3 September 2013


Has anyone used, or know anyone who has used one of these? Would love to know more about them. Could be fun to have at our wedding. 

Win a dress

Well as I have mentioned before, we are struggling to save money for our wedding. Winning a dress would save us so much money. What a great competition. 

Check it out, good luck all.

Cheap wedding favours

I love this as a cheap wedding favour option. Looks great too 

Outdoor wedding?

Having an outdoor wedding? Check out this cool idea. We love it 


This is just so beautiful 


Just WOW

Something different

Some people love to add colour to their wedding. I like the idea myself and have been taking some tips from images I have found online. These are some small ways to add a little colour to your big day

Centre Piece

How do you feel about this centre piece? I love it


Wedding advice for the Bride and Groom?
Check out this cool idea

Super Heros

I would never dream of doing this myself, but this did make me laugh.
Super Hero Wedding


The Dress

This is beautiful. What a beautiful dress. For the perfect wedding


Lets face it, everyone hates Confetti at weddings. It makes a mess, it gets in peoples hair, it's cheap. But it's tradtion. Well how about this twist, sparklers?

I love it


The Dress

Wedding Dress


Your wedding cake is a big deal, and you want it to be right. However finding the pefect cake will always prove difficult. Check out some of these wedding cakes, some people like to do things differently.

And some people like to do things very differently...